Rose's Astro Academy | An Astrology Podcast

E22 Venus Squares Saturn, Then Opposes Jupiter

Rose Potts Episode 22

In this episode of Rose's Astro Academy, we dive into the dynamic movements of Venus as it squares Saturn on October 28th and then shifts into an opposition with Jupiter on November 3rd. Exploring the themes of relationship evaluation, boundaries, and personal responsibility, we consider how this Venus-Saturn square challenges us to assess our connections, artistic endeavors, and personal standards. Drawing on insights from Robert Hand and Renn Butler, we discuss how this transit encourages a critical look at balance in our relationships and the beauty we seek in our lives.

As Venus transitions to its opposition with Jupiter, we unpack how this shift blends passion and intellect, fueling creative brainstorming and realignment. With examples from personal experiences, we explore how this planetary interaction can refine our plans or projects, helping us bring a greater sense of coherence. This week’s mutable energy is key, as Venus’s movement between Saturn and Jupiter invites a process of introspection, recalibration, and expansion. 


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Instagram: @rosesastroacademy (changed from @astro.hooper)

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to episode 22 of Rose's Astro Academy, where we demystify the system of astrology piece by piece For our transit talk. This week, we will be taking a look at the square between Venus and Saturn and then the upcoming opposition between Venus and Jupiter. The square between Venus and Saturn goes direct today, on October 28th, but we would have been noticing the tension of this transit building since about the 25th, and then, around the 31st, venus leaves that engagement range with Saturn, but then immediately starts to move into an opposition with Jupiter, with the engagement range of that transit starting on November 1st, the exact opposition being on November 3rd and finally leaving the engagement on November 6th. What I mean when I say engagement is that astrologers, when looking at transits, tend to use a three degree range on either side of the exact aspect between two planets. That's what I personally use for most transits, that's how I was trained to use it, and this is when the effects of the transit will be most felt, because, though Venus is a quick-moving planet, we can maybe extend her engagement range a little bit more, say up to five degrees on either side. Basically, the slower the planet moves, the more narrow that you want the engagement range to be, and the faster it moves, the more liberal you can be with this range. To an extent. Also, in astrology, we want to be careful not to look too much at any one transit in isolation, but instead to see how that transit is playing out alongside other transits.

Speaker 1:

In this podcast, I've been kind of gearing up to be more complex with the transit talks. I think that looking at a transit in isolation is a really, really great learning exercise, especially when we're first starting to wrap our heads around how astrology works, and I want this podcast to be as accessible as it can be. So that's why I've been focusing more on one transit at a time, but today I thought we could take a look at these two transits in combination and just see how that goes. As always, if you have any feedback for the podcast, feel free to let me know. You can do that through the contact page on my website at rosesastroacademycom, or you can send me an email. It goes to the same place. The email is listed in the show notes.

Speaker 1:

So we'll take a look at both of these transits today and we'll take the view not of each transit happening in isolation, but more of a process playing out where Venus is moving from the square with Saturn immediately into this opposition with Jupiter. To start off with the square, venus in Sagittarius is squaring Saturn in Pisces. Both Pisces and Sagittarius are said to be ruled by Jupiter, so Jupiter really has the upper hand or the last say in this interaction. Jupiter, in turn, is in Gemini right now, which is ruled by Mercury. But what's really interesting here is that at the same time that Venus enters into the opposition with Jupiter, mercury, jupiter's ruler, moves into Sagittarius. Now that's a lot. So let me go over this again. Venus and Saturn are both in Jupiter's rulership. Jupiter, however, is in the rulership of Mercury, but Mercury then moves into Jupiter's rulership. So Jupiter and Mercury are in each other's signs, and when we see this, we call it mutual reception and it's seen as a very favorable dynamic where the two planets are helping each other out. So it's like when Mercury moves into Jupiter's sign, it's like Mercury is giving the upper hand back to Jupiter in terms of Jupiter's opposition with Venus, like Jupiter's power and agency is being bestowed back upon him. But let's get more concrete about what these transits could look like and what they could bring up for us individually and collectively.

Speaker 1:

We'll start with the Venus-Saturn square and I thought we could draw on a bit of reference material today. This is from Planets in Transit by Robert Hand. It's a really great reference book. He goes through every planet in every combination of aspects to every other planet. It's very thorough. So let's see what he said about the Venus-Saturn square and then we'll expand it from there. And I'm paraphrasing here. He says Difficulty relating to others.

Speaker 1:

Feeling cool and reserved towards those you love. Evaluating what you are getting out of and putting into relationships. Feeling that you are isolated and no one can really feel what you feel. Separating yourself from the illusions of a relationship and recognizing what is really there. Imagined inadequacies with regard to loved ones. You and your loved ones are human and there is a limit to what you can expect from them and yourself. So there's a lot to unpack there, but before we do I wanted to draw on another author to get another point of view. So this is from Ren Butler's the Archetypal Universe and this is about the general combination of Venus and Saturn. He says feelings of responsibility and commitment in one's relationship. Life urges for security and stability in one's relationship, the interplay of love and need, relationship tests or cooling of affection, social burdens and responsibilities.

Speaker 1:

We can see that these two authors are hitting on some pretty similar themes. So how do we get to these themes? Well, venus is the ruler of love, friendships, relationships, enjoyment, sensuality, pleasure and harmony between people. Saturn, on the other hand, is the ruler of limits, boundaries, hardships and saying no. Saturn often pays attention to the bottom line and what we are willing to accept or not accept. So the Venus-Saturn square often brings up these themes of measuring our relationships. How are our partner or loved ones or friends measuring up? How are we measuring up in relation to them? What are we willing to accept and not accept? Squares between planets bring a dynamic tension. It's like these two themes of, say, relationships and boundaries are butting heads all of a sudden. But let's not reduce it to just one possible expression. The archetypes are multivalent and perhaps this isn't bringing up anything to do with relationships for you.

Speaker 1:

Venus also rules art and things that are beautiful, especially beauty when it comes to women. So if you're a woman and you're listening to this, are you perhaps turning that critical eye of Saturn onto yourself a little too much? This week, when Saturn and Venus get together in a square, we can measure the beauty of a thing with a critical eye. That could be ourselves, but that could also be a work of art if you're an artist and I'm applying that term liberally Many of us are artists, even if we don't label ourselves as such. Now, this process of measuring and critiquing can potentially be really good for your art. It's hard to critique our own art, but when we're able to, that's how we can improve.

Speaker 1:

Similarly, it can be hard to be honest with ourselves that there is an imbalance in our relationships, but we need to be honest about that imbalance if we hope to restore harmony. Remember, venus rules harmony. So ultimately, the tension of this square with Saturn is to help restore some amount of harmony. Saturn in Pisces is also in the exaltation of Venus, and both the planets are in the rulership of Jupiter, so we can think of them as being on the same team in this regard. So, given those factors, that makes me view this square between Venus and Saturn as much more of a helpful and assisting process rather than a difficult or destructive one. This critiquing process is ultimately for our benefit, to help restore harmony in those Venus ruled areas of our lives.

Speaker 1:

So, in terms of our relationships, there's two ways that we can have a semblance of harmony in them, and I say semblance because one of those ways is a false harmony. The false harmony is when we fall into our people-pleasing tendencies in order to keep the peace, and Venus can be bad for that, and I've met a lot of Libra Risings especially who can be pretty bad with falling into people-pleasing tendencies and not saying what needs to be said and not asserting their own boundaries in order to keep the peace and to keep this outward feeling of harmony. But the harmony there isn't true harmony because they're not being authentic. So there's a second way that we can have harmony in our relationships and this, in my opinion, is the only true way and that's bringing the element of Saturn in, of having boundaries and mutual respect and rules that each partner in a relationship acknowledges and follows because they respect the other person. So the Saturn-Venus square can be about remembering that mutual respect and equivalent exchange and mutual boundaries that are present in a truly balanced and harmonious relationship. Remember, venus and Saturn actually get along much better than we think because Saturn is naturally the exaltation ruler of Venus's home sign of Libra. Saturn rejoices in Venus's place.

Speaker 1:

Boundaries are actually very healthy in relationships, so we have a fiery Venus in the mutable sign of Sagittarius and we have a watery Saturn in the mutable sign of Pisces, both ruled by Jupiter in mutable Aries Gemini. So I wanted to touch on that factor a bit that we have a very mutable dynamic coming through this week into the next week. Mutable signs come at the time of year when the season changes where winter suddenly turns to spring and summer suddenly turns to fall. Thus mutable signs usually signal a change in direction and we have three mutable signs coming together here by transit. So my advice is to embrace that mutable energy this week and allow yourself to perhaps change directions in some way, and probably to do so based on the advice being received from that Saturn energy of boundaries, limits, give and take and the bottom line, with Venus and Saturn coming into a square, we're being asked to evaluate maybe the beauty of our art or the harmony and balance of our relationships and based on that evaluation we're being asked to switch gears in some way and to make changes.

Speaker 1:

The passion side of things is leading from our fiery Venus in Sagittarius and watery Saturn in Pisces is bringing the emotional side. He's evaluating things based on an emotional sense and working with the realm of feelings and intuition. After this process, venus opposes Jupiter next week, poses Jupiter next week. Remember, jupiter and Saturn are both retrograde, so that also denotes a change in direction and a process of revising something. Saturn in Pisces brings the emotional realm and the boundaries that come from our feelings and then when Saturn starts to engage with Jupiter in Gemini, we start to move more into our heads. In this process We've consulted our feelings and our emotional boundaries. Then Jupiter in Gemini comes in to do the musing over, the thinking through and the idea generating. So I see Venus's opposition with Jupiter in Gemini, almost like she's gotten all these notes from Saturn on the changes that need to be made to restore harmony and then Jupiter is at like this big chalkboard and writing all the ideas down and organizing them. Jupiter is the energy that really strives to create a coherent whole. Jupiter wants to unify. So I can see us really making a unified plan out of these notes that we received from Saturn.

Speaker 1:

To give you a concrete example, the way that I see perhaps this transit playing out personally for me is that I recently finished the first draft of my novel and I mean it's a quite rough first draft. It's a bit all over the place, but nonetheless I count it as a first draft and I've put it away in a drawer for about a month in order to gain some distance from it, so I can come back to it with fresh eyes. And when Venus squares Saturn, it's like, okay, I'm ready to read over this draft and be really brutally honest with myself about what's not working with this work of art. And then when Venus opposes Jupiter, it's like I take all of those notes on what's not working and I go back to the drawing board and I start to come up with ideas and plan and really rework the plot, with the intention of Jupiter of making some coherent whole out of this story. So that's a very specific way that I see it manifesting in my life and of course it could additionally be speaking to many other areas of my life as well.

Speaker 1:

But with the opposition between Venus and Jupiter, there's an interesting push-pull that is playing out between passion and the mind. An opposition is like an elastic band being pulled in opposite directions. There's a lot of tension there. Another way I've heard it described is the two planets are sitting across from one another at a negotiating table. Coming back to my plotting example, venus in Sagittarius wants to trust her gut and go with what feels right. But then Jupiter and Gemini might come in and be like, yeah, but two scenes forward, you now have a glaring plot hole and that needs to be fixed. So I don't care if it feels right, it needs to make sense as a whole.

Speaker 1:

But remember, jupiter's host, mercury, also moves into Sagittarius at the same time, kind of giving that Sagittarius energy the upper hand. So I wouldn't be surprised if, in this negotiation that we're having between passion and the mind, that the passion principle of Sagittarius actually wins out. The thinking, intellectualizing side of Gemini that stems from Mercury goes ugh, okay, you know what, let's just go with what feels right in the gut. After all, you know, with this energy, I wouldn't be surprised if I'm tempted to throw in the plodding towel and go back to my bushwhacking style of writing where I just plow through it with no idea of where it's really going. Or at least with the Sagittarius energy, that temptation is very strong.

Speaker 1:

But I think that the opposition to Jupiter is trying to come in here and show us another way to go about things. We also have to remember that Jupiter just churned retrograde, which happens about once a year and is a very important phase in his cycle. So this really dials up Jupiter being in a space of wanting to re-envision, revise, retrace one step and really dials up the drawing board metaphor that I've been using. So, anyways, we might feel like just giving into passion and plowing ahead and throwing away our notes from Saturn, but I would encourage you to lean into that brainstorming principle this week and really revise and rehash things to find a coherent whole that makes sense. Anyways, that's my perspective on this Venus-Saturn square and the Venus-Jupiter opposition perspective on this Venus-Saturn square and the Venus-Jupiter opposition.

Speaker 1:

Stay tuned for my Wednesday talk where we are doing part 3 of a 12-part series looking at each of the signs. Now that it's Scorpio season, we'll be deep diving into the sign of Scorpio, and I'm pretty excited for this one. As always, if you have any questions about today's episode or in general, you can send those through my contact page on my website, rosesastroacademycom, and you can also book a reading through my website. New episodes air every Monday and Wednesday. Finally, if you enjoyed this episode and you want to help this podcast grow and for more people to find out about us, you can really help out by leaving a review of the podcast and sharing the podcast with someone in your life who you think might appreciate it. Well, that's all I have for you for now. See you soon for a new episode.