Rose's Astro Academy | An Astrology Podcast

E20 Venus Enters Sagittarius: Embracing Adventure

Rose Potts Episode 20

In this episode of Rose’s Astro Academy, we explore Venus’s shift into Sagittarius and what that means for all things love, beauty, and pleasure. After navigating the intensity of Venus in Scorpio, where she was in detriment, Venus is ready for something more light-hearted and adventurous. We’ll talk about how Uranus’s recent opposition gave Venus a much-needed push out of Scorpio’s shadows and into the buoyant, energetic fire of Sagittarius. Along the way, we’ll break down the fun-loving qualities of Sagittarius and discuss what to watch out for during Venus’s stay here until November 12th.

We also can’t ignore Jupiter’s role as Venus’s host while she’s in Sagittarius. Jupiter is currently in Gemini, in his detriment, which adds some tension to the mix. We’ll explore how Venus’s quest for freedom and adventure might be tempered by Jupiter’s intellectual and deconstructive tendencies while he's retrograde. Tune in for insights on what this transit might mean for your relationships, indulgences, and sense of fun over the next few weeks!


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Rose Potts:

Hello and welcome to episode 20 of Rose's Astro Academy, where we demystify the system of astrology piece by piece For our transit talk. This week we're taking a look at Venus's entrance into Sagittarius. Venus entered Sagittarius on October 18th and will stay in Sagittarius until November 12th, so we'll look at this archetypal combination generally. We'll speak about the differences between Venus in Scorpio, where she just was, and Venus in Sagittarius. We'll talk about Venus's opposition to Uranus that she just had before moving into Sagittarius, and we'll also bring Jupiter's current position in Gemini into the conversation. The reason this is important is that Jupiter was said to rule Sagittarius, so when Venus is in this sign, we can think of it like Venus is a guest in the home of Jupiter. The movement into Sagittarius is quite an energetic change for Venus after being in the sign of Scorpio, where she was said to be in her detriment. I did a whole talk on Venus in Scorpio earlier, so you can go and check that out too, if you haven't listened already. But Venus in Scorpio was getting a little beat up because not only was she in her detriment, but she was also being hosted by Mars, who is currently in his fall. So an unhappy Mars is typically not a great host, especially when Venus also feels uncomfortable in this sign. To begin with, because the archetypal qualities of Scorpio are very contrary to her typical nature, and as she was preparing to change signs, she hit an opposition to Uranus, and I see this as Uranus really coming in to lift her out of that funk and spur her into action. So we'll go over that opposition more Before we get into it. Don't forget to follow the podcast so you can stay in the loop. Every Monday we have an episode talking about a current transit, and every Wednesday is a topic episode where we dive into the nature of astrology and do some deeper learning to help demystify this complex and beautiful system of wisdom that was developed by ancient people. Also, if you want to book a reading with me, you can do that on my website, rosesastroacademycom.

Rose Potts:

Okay, so let's get into it. I'm going to start off by drawing from a really great book by Robert Hand called Planets in Transit. We're going to take a look at what he says about the Uranus-Venus opposition. I'm paraphrasing a bit here, but he says a sudden, unexpected occurrence in a relationship seeking unusual entertainment or recreation, exciting and stimulating activities or adventures, a break from the norm in what you do for fun. The power of Uranus is difficult only to the extent that you are wedded to your habits. I'll draw from another astrologer as well. This is from the words of Ren Butler on Uranus. He says it awakens, excites, liberates and emancipates what it comes into contact with. And that's from his book, the Archetypal Universe, a really great resource on the archetypes of the planets.

Rose Potts:

So what we can draw from this is that we know Venus in Scorpio was struggling there for a bit. You may have noticed that Venus ruled topics of relationships, love, beauty, the arts, harmony between people. Things like that have been having a harder time over the last few weeks. Perhaps in your life, perhaps in the lives of people around you. Venus in Scorpio can bring out toxic shadow aspects in relationships such as mistrust, feelings of betrayal or jealousy or manipulation or control tactics. Venus in Scorpio might also just be more like that sad, sad, angry artist who is writing dark poetry all day. Or Venus rules beauty, for example. So maybe we haven't been feeling beautiful or confident, especially as women or if we identify with the feminine, things like that.

Rose Potts:

So the opposition to Uranus comes in to shake that up, for Venus, to liberate Venus and get her out of this funk and fill her with new life and new energy. When Uranus comes through, it is emancipatory. However, oppositions are what's called a hard aspect. We have hard aspects and harmonious aspects. Harmonious aspects tend to be easier and more helpful, whereas hard aspects are well, they're harder, they typically bring challenges. An astrologer I was listening to recently and I forget exactly who, unfortunately said this about oppositions. He said it's like they're sitting down across from one another at a negotiating table. Another way I think of an opposition is it's like an elastic band being pulled in opposite directions. There's a polarization here and a tension between two opposing forces or wills. It's like Venus wants to stay in her funk, but Uranus is like come on, let's go on an adventure. And here it seems that Venus obliges because she immediately moves into Sagittarius, which is a much more lighthearted and adventurous sign than Scorpio. But that process for Venus of getting out of this funk was likely a difficult one, or likely through the arising of some difficult circumstances.

Rose Potts:

Let's break down Sagittarius a little bit more. Sagittarius is a fire sign, is said to be masculine, mutable or changeable, and ruled by Jupiter.

Rose Potts:

I'm a Sagittarius rising, so I think I can speak to Sagittarius energy a little bit here. It really is the energy of just going for it and not really holding back in life, of taking action first and figuring it out and thinking things through along the way. When I said I wanted to start a podcast, for example, it was kind of just like I was grabbed by this enthusiasm to start my podcast and then I just started immediately taking action, really making it happen. I approached the podcast in a start taking action first, think later type of way and just figured things out as I went along. I had no idea about audio or anything like that, and it's been a really steep learning curve. I'm still in that process. I recorded many off-the-cuff episodes that I will never, ever put out because they were just terrible, and that was before I learned that I prefer to pre-write my episodes.

Rose Potts:

If you have a friend who enjoys spontaneous trips, I will place my bet that they probably have strong Sagittarius in their chart. To compare Sagittarius to Scorpio, scorpio is very perceptive, penetrating, intense and much more thoughtful and thought-provoking. Scorpio is like the smoldering heartthrob brooding in the corner at a party, silently watching and analyzing everyone, and Sagittarius is more like the life of the party, wanting to be in the middle of the action, in the middle of everything happening and really soaking in the excitement of that experience. If we look at how Venus and Sagittarius work when they combine, venus is our fun-loving, pleasure-seeking, indulging principle. Venus wants to have a good time time and typically Sagittarius will give her everything she needs to do that. Now, I say typically because we also have to pay attention to where Jupiter is in the chart, which we'll do in a minute. So Venus and Sagittarius fun-loving a bit wild.

Rose Potts:

There's a tendency for excess that we have to be careful of here, because Jupiter likes to exaggerate what it touches and Venus loves to indulge, so their combination can often lead to excess. We can see splurge spending overindulgence on food, getting caught up in the glitz and glamour and spending way too much on a fun night out. All of those types of themes can really surface while Venus is in Sagittarius, with Sagittarius being a masculine fire sign. It's very willful, kind of like I'm going to do it my way. But then, with the changeable nature of Sagittarius, their way is also changing all the time, and that's one of the ways we can differentiate it from Aries is that a Sagittarius can often be like switching directions quite rapidly and trying to figure out their will or their way or how they're going about this thing that they've decided to do. So Venus in Sagittarius can also take on that energy of switching gears, changing her mind often things like that.

Rose Potts:

In Sagittarius there's a desire for freedom, adventure and exploration, seeking out new horizons and going farther than we've gone before. Part of where this comes from with Sagittarius is in the system of astrology that I practice Hellenistic astrology. The qualities of each sign are based on the season of the year during which the sun moves through that sign. While the sun is in Sagittarius, we're moving into the darkest place of winter. Then, at the very start of Capricorn, which comes right after we have the winter solstice, and then we start to get more daylight during the day and we start heading out of the darkest time of the year. So in this way, sagittarius embodies the energy of going the farthest, going to the brink of the symbolic unknown, which would be represented by the darkness, and doing so fearlessly by the darkness and doing so fearlessly.

Rose Potts:

Sagittarius is often associated with travelers and people who love the experience of going to foreign countries and really putting themselves in those unknown experiences. Sagittarius is the sign of the centaur, and I always picture this man on a horse riding into battle with courage and with that fiery, willful battle cry and just going for it and facing it without fear. It really is that symbol of Sagittarius moving towards that darkest brink of winter and doing so fearlessly. So Venus has just moved into this excited, fiery, willful adventure, seeking place after going through a difficult time in Scorpio with Venus-ruled things such as what gives us pleasure or enjoyment or sensuality, fun, desire, love, things like that. Especially, too, with the aspects that she made to Uranus, who is the liberation principle, I'm really getting this sense of buoyant optimism for Venus and a real craving for what feels exciting and new. So also try not to get swept up in that as well, because this energy can potentially lead to some reckless decision making.

Rose Potts:

We also have to look at where Jupiter is currently in the sky, because, as Venus is host in Sagittarius, jupiter will tone, how Venus is expressing. I did a whole talk on Jupiter in Gemini last week because he just turned retrograde, which happens once a year for Jupiter. So if you missed that, I recommend you go and check that out too, if you're curious. Jupiter is currently in Gemini.

Rose Potts:

In Gemini, jupiter is in a place that is opposite from his home sign of Sagittarius. So, being a sign that's opposite from his home, he's in a place that feels contrary to his own nature, things pulling them apart to understand them. There's a strong curiosity drive to the sign of Gemini, and it's the airy, intellectual sign of Mercury. Jupiter, though, is the grand unifying principle. Jupiter likes to create a sense of coherence, so there's a sense here that Jupiter isn't really able to give Venus what she wants. In Sagittarius, venus wants adventure and excitement, and wants to pull the typical Sagittarius move of acting first and thinking later, but Jupiter in the intellectual, deconstructing sign of Gemini is actually saying wait, hold on a sec, let's break this down more, let's deconstruct this. So, essentially, jupiter is caught up in analyzing mode, where Venus is like I just want to experience things and have fun.

Rose Potts:

This tension is also going to get stronger because Venus is moving into an exact opposition with Jupiter over the next couple of weeks, so it's like we will see a culmination of the tension of this. Venus in Sagittarius is hungry for experiences that feel profound, meaningful and unified. Sagittarius also represents a quest for spirituality and wisdom and sagely learning and things like that, but she has to rely on her host, jupiter, to provide for her, and Jupiter in Gemini is giving her scattered bits of information and busy bouncing between different ideas. Jupiter has also just turned retrograde, meaning he's retracing his steps, rethinking things, revising them. Venus in Sagittarius wants to dash forwards into the unknown and Jupiter is pulling her backwards, it seems. So that's a bit of what we can take from this transit from Venus entering Sagittarius, her opposition to Uranus and her upcoming opposition to Jupiter.

Rose Potts:

In ancient astrology, venus and Jupiter were said to be the benefics or the good doers, so an opposition between them can certainly strike tension, but I don't think this is going to be worst case scenario. Just don't be surprised if you're feeling caught up in craving this sense of new experiences, excitement and indulgences, but not really able to get what you want. I think that's the key here.

Rose Potts:

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this episode. If you had any questions, come up for you today as you were listening or in general, you can send those to rosesastroacademy at gmailcom.

Rose Potts:

New episodes air every Monday and Wednesday. If you want to book a reading with me, you can do that on my website, rosesastroacademycom, and you can follow along on my Instagram at rosesastroacademy. Finally, if you enjoyed this episode or you've been coming back as a frequent listener here and you want to give your thanks for this content and you want to see this podcast grow, then you can help out by leaving a review of the podcast. It's so, so, incredibly helpful. Also, feel free to share it with anyone who you think might enjoy it. Well, that's all I have for you. See you soon for a new episode.