Rose's Astro Academy | An Astrology Podcast

E14 Solar Eclipse in Libra - The Grand Finale of the Aries/Libra Eclipses

Rose Potts Episode 14

In this episode of Rose's Astro Academy, we're diving into the Solar Eclipse in Libra happening on October 2nd. We'll explore how this eclipse marks both an ending and a new beginning, especially since it's the last eclipse in the Aries/Libra axis for nearly nine years. We discuss the themes of balance, justice, and transformation, with a focus on how the South Node in Libra and Venus’s placement in Scorpio add layers of depth and emotional intensity to this period. We touch on how Lilith and Mercury’s involvement in this eclipse bring up themes around communication, the reclaiming of repressed aspects of the self, and the process of speaking up for what feels true.

Join me as we reflect on how this eclipse might bring forth a powerful culmination of events, especially in the whole sign house that Libra occupies in your chart. I offer insights into how to view this eclipse as the finale of a process that’s been unfolding over the past year and a half's eclipse cycle, and share examples of how this moment can signify transformation and new beginnings. 


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Instagram: @rosesastroacademy (changed from @astro.hooper)

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to episode 14 of Rose's Astro Academy, where we demystify the system of astrology piece by piece For our transit talk. This week we are, of course, looking at the solar eclipse, which is happening this week on October 2nd. A couple of weeks ago we also took a look at the lunar eclipse that just happened in Pisces. Eclipses will typically occur in pairs spaced about two weeks apart and this eclipse that's happening this week is in some way continuing the story that was set in motion by the last eclipse. So if you missed that talk, I recommend you go and check that one out after this. But to revisit the last eclipse briefly, it was the first of the Pisces eclipses, so we were really starting to look towards the future with that one. It also had a heavy emphasis on Neptune, also with Neptune being in the sign of Pisces. So that eclipse had a lot to do with the space of dreaming, envisioning what we want for our lives and, perhaps because of the Neptune and of Pisces, envisioning a life that is perhaps emotionally deeper, more romantic and more connected Then with Saturn. There as well, it was about striking that balance by bringing back in our reality principle in this envisioning process. So that's a very brief treatment to give you a bit of context about where we're coming from as this next eclipse happens. So the solar eclipse happens on October 2nd at 10 degrees Libra, with the south node, mercury and Lilith. This is a very interesting combination, which we will explore in detail, with the eclipse happening in Libra. There is a point here about balance, fairness, justice and having equal give and take With the south node. There is a point here about balance, fairness, justice and having equal give and take With the south node. There is a crystallization of past experiences, perhaps a loss or perhaps a letting go, with the host of this eclipse, venus, being in Scorpio and moving into an engagement, into aspect, with both malefics who are also in water signs. There is likely a deep emotional intensity happening here as well.

Speaker 1:

Solar eclipses are typically about a new beginning and the opening of a door, the start of a new cycle. But this eclipse is also our last eclipse with the nodes in Aries and Libra. Our last eclipse with the nodes in Aries and Libra. For our next eclipse, in March 2025, the nodes will have moved into Pisces and Virgo. So this is a very interesting solar eclipse that represents the ending of a cycle as much as it represents a beginning in some way, because it is the culmination of our Aries-Libra eclipses.

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It's important to see this eclipse as part of a process that's been playing out since the nodes entered Aries and Libra, which was about a year and a half ago. The south node in Libra during this time has been helping us crystallize past experiences in the sign, helping us let go in some way and perhaps helping us shed old patterns as well. There could have been big karmic events that have occurred in the whole sign house of Libra for you over the last year and a half, and this would probably be more so the case if you have planets or important points in Libra in your chart. Regardless, it's important to view this eclipse not in isolation, but as the last of the eclipses with the nodes in Libra and thus representing a process or an event that is capping off the series of changes that have been taking place in this whole sign house for you for the last year and a half. The nodes won't be in Libra again for another nine years, so we have an ending and because it's a solar eclipse, we also have a beginning With the south node. There is inherent in that some big letting go taking place. Libra represents our relationships and with the ruler of Libra, venus, being in Scorpio right now, the place of death and deep, intense transformation and the renewal that comes from such, there can be a big transformation occurring in our relationships. Perhaps this is in our friendships, our romantic relationships or in our family. I find it very interesting that Lilith is conjunct the sun on this eclipse.

Speaker 1:

Lilith represents the aspects of the feminine that have been in a way, demonized, repressed or cast out, that have been said to be bad or impure. Lilith represents the reclamation of those aspects of the feminine psyche and I find this an interesting signature in the sign of Libra, a sign that is concerned perhaps with the opposite of what Lilith represents, where Lilith wants what is deep and raw and wild and true, libra wants to skim along on the surface of things and maintain a semblance of outer harmony. If we were picturing Libra as a feminine symbol, which of course it is not, libra describes both male and female, but a feminine Libra expression would be the good girl, someone who is very prim and proper and put together and very concerned with being beautiful and polite. So this Lilith signature at the eclipse is asking us to look at the opposite of that, To perhaps look at this interplay between the good girl and the bad in our lives and in our psyches. On top of this we have Venus, the ruler of Libra, in Scorpio, and this combination is also a very similar symbol to Lilith. Venus in Scorpio also represents the deep, dark, repressed aspects of the feminine.

Speaker 1:

Some things that come to mind for me would be flirting with chaos, allowing for destruction, the renewal of endings. There is very Kali energy coming through with this eclipse, especially with Venus coming into a trine, with both malefics in the water signs. It's almost like Venus is embracing some sort of destruction process. There is a desire to go to those hard places within ourselves, our psyches and our emotions, to go into our anger, our vulnerabilities, our sense of injustice, because Lilith also represents injustice In mythology. She is the woman who was cast out of Eden, who was banned from Eden before Eve came along. She is the woman who life has been unjust to, so there is perhaps a deep feeling of injustice surfacing. This is happening in Libra, the sign of balance. So where do things feel unbalanced in our relationships and how do we stand up and perhaps confront that?

Speaker 1:

A key player in this eclipse is also Mercury who, at the exact time of the eclipse, is just two degrees separating from the sun. Mercury is the planet of communication. When a planet is so close to the sun here, like Mercury, it's said to be combust, which means that he has been actually made invisible in the night sky. We can't see Mercury at this time. In a sense, mercury here is maybe representing that our ability to communicate has been struck mute, so I don't necessarily see communication happening right away. There's probably been a lot bubbling and brewing beneath the surface. It takes Mercury about another two weeks to move out from this place of invisibility as he moves far enough away from the Sun. All the time from now until November 19th, mercury will be separating from the Sun, which means that Mercury, and thus the communicative side of us, is gaining our strength back. But in the meantime, as this process plays out, mercury also enters Scorpio, where Venus currently is. So Mercury will then be engaging in that process of deep plunging of Scorpio and going to the emotional depths and going to those difficult places, perhaps before he is ready to do any communicating. By the time Mercury does move out from under the beams of the sun and becomes visible once more in the sky. By this time, venus has moved into Sagittarius, a place where the feminine leads with fire and passion. So I see the next couple of weeks following this eclipse being a process of some deep emotional intensity and probably having difficulty communicating that outwardly.

Speaker 1:

Lilith with the South Node the South Node being our crystallization of past experiences is perhaps helping us to look back at our lives and to see the times that we have allowed imbalance and injustice to happen to us. It's an opportunity for us to reflect on these times and to build the strength to say no more. Shortly after this eclipse, all of the planets involved in it Sun, moon, mercury and Lilith, who is, of course, an asteroid, not a planet, but they will all move into a square with Mars in Cancer. Mars in Cancer is about furiously protecting what is vulnerable and advocating for injustice, so perhaps this square to Mars can help us speak up. Despite the state of Mercury, or because Mars is in Cancer, a water sign that was also said to be mute, perhaps this could just intensify these feelings of injustice internally for us.

Speaker 1:

This eclipse happens on the degree of Libra, with the Sabian symbol of a professor peering over his glasses. If you don't know what these Sabian symbols are. There is a unique symbol for each of the 360 degrees of the zodiac and I will actually be doing a whole topic episode on the Sabian symbols coming up in the next week or two, I forget exactly when. So we have the symbol of a professor peering over his classes and this symbol is about developing the ability to share what we have learned. And I really love this symbol for the eclipse, because the south node here is also about the crystallization of our past experiences and Mercury is the planet of communication. So I find the resonance thematically of this specific symbol with the eclipse to be very striking and to me it really reinforces the ideas that I was coming to on my own about, you know, it really being about Mercury gaining the ability to speak and to share what we have learned and about the interplay of what is said to be dark and what is repressed and the injustice, and the interplay of that with balance and fairness. So again, the big theme here, especially with this combust mercury that has been struck mute but is separating from the sun, is gaining strength, gaining his voice back over the next couple of weeks is like I will be silent no more in terms of the repressed aspects of ourselves as represented by Lilith. We're really coming to this threshold of being able to speak up, especially with Libra being the sign of harmony and balance and justice, and how we spoke in our talk last week about Libra having trouble speaking up, having trouble with initiating difficult conversations. There is a real sense of urgency here to start speaking up more.

Speaker 1:

I find, and this is one general way in which we can read this eclipse. Of course, it's important for us to place this eclipse within the context of the whole sign house Libra occupies in our chart and then to see this eclipse within the context of the overall eclipses that we have been getting across Aries and Libra for the last year and a half, and to remember that this is the last eclipse with the nodes in Libra. There may be some out of sign eclipses coming up that involve Libra, but those would generally be less potent to do with Libra specifically. So we can see this as the ending of a year and a half process around the whole sign house topics of libra in our chart and with the south node. There is a big letting go process that has been taking place and of course this varies too if we have planets in libra or perhaps we're born with the nodes in libra, which would really intensify this process for us. For example, someone in my life has the south node with the sun in Libra.

Speaker 1:

In Hellenistic astrology the sun was seen to represent one's plotline and conscious ambition and life direction and for the past year and a half they have been in a process of letting go of their past career and building a new one for themselves. As this final eclipse in Libra is occurring, they are at the precipice of this new venture going very successfully for them and of really getting a bunch of contracts finally and having all that hard work really pay off and come back the other way. So for them this eclipse represents the end of that transitional process and the beginning of the new. And this whole transitional period for them has been happening as the eclipses have been occurring in Aries and Libra over the past year and a half. So it's wrapping up that year and a half process of letting go and of transitioning and then really solidifying that new beginning. For them, a solar eclipse in Libra at a basic level can be seen as a new beginning and some sort of initiation, being a cardinal sign. There's a heavy emphasis here on newness and with the south node traveling through Libra, that newness comes inherently also with a big process of letting go. So, anyways, this has been a bit of how I see this solar eclipse in Libra.

Speaker 1:

I hope you enjoyed this episode.

Speaker 1:

Don't be surprised if things feel more emotionally intense than usual for the next couple of weeks especially.

Speaker 1:

This is all part of the process and I find when I'm navigating my own periods of heightened emotional intensity and the sky is mirroring that back to me, I can really find relief in that awareness, knowing that as above so below, and that myself and my internal realm is really just a microcosm of the macrocosm. If you had any questions, come up about today's episode or in general, you can get in touch with me through my contact page on my website at rosesastroacademycom. There you can also view my schedule and book a reading with me, and feel free to follow along on my Instagram as well at rosesastroacademy. Finally, if you enjoyed this episode, if it gave you some deeper insights or fresh perspectives, or you just want to help a small podcaster grow, you can leave a review of this podcast. I really appreciate every single review. I believe Apple Podcasts requires a certain number of reviews before any of them actually show. So if you wanted to help me hit that threshold, that would be really, really amazing. Well, that's all I have for you.