Rose's Astro Academy | An Astrology Podcast
Rose's Astro Academy is your gateway to understanding the intricate and beautiful system of astrology. Join us as we demystify astrology, piece by piece. Each Monday, we discuss a transit, and each Wednesday, we explore a topic in astrology to delve into a new layer of this fascinating system.
Whether you're a beginner or already initiated, this podcast invites you to journey deeper than you ever thought possible into the magic and beauty of astrology’s true essence.
Rose's Astro Academy | An Astrology Podcast
E04 Shaking Up Perfection: Venus in Virgo Trine Uranus in Taurus
How does this week's trine from Uranus shake things up for perfectionistic Venus in Virgo in the best way possible? On episode 4 of Rose's Academy, we explore the interesting dynamic playing out between Venus and Uranus this week. We'll dive deeper into the archetypal meanings of Venus in Virgo and Uranus in Taurus, and consider how the influence of this transit might manifest in our daily lives.
We also take a closer look at why it's important to pay attention to transits at all, and break down the different aspects by comparing each one to a relational dynamic.
Announcement: Starting this week, Rose's Astro Academy is moving to two episodes per week! Mondays will be a transit-focused episode, while Wednesdays will explore a specific astrological topic, helping deepen your understanding of this fascinating system.
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Instagram: @rosesastroacademy (changed from @astro.hooper)
Hello and welcome to episode 4 of Rose's Astro Academy, where I demystify the system of astrology piece by piece. Starting this week, we're doing things a little differently. We'll be splitting our discussion into two episodes each week going forwards. Mondays we'll focus on a transit for the week, and each Wednesday will be topic-based, where we do a deeper dive into a new aspect of the astrological system. Some upcoming topics will be looking at the archetypal nature of each planet, examining how it is that astrology works and learning about the history of astrology from ancient times to modern day, just to give you some examples.
Rose Potts:So, without further ado, let's dive in. Today is August 26th, and this week we're taking a look at the trine between Venus and Uranus. The exact trine is tomorrow, but the felt effects of this transit are from around August 24th to August 30th, give or take a couple of days. In today's episode, we will explore the archetypes of Venus in Virgo and Uranus in Taurus, and take a look at some possible manifestations when these archetypal energies get together in a trine.
Rose Potts:Before we get into it, though, I want to start by speaking more generally about why we should pay attention to transits at all. This is especially for my listeners who are newer to these kinds of astrological discussions, who might be scratching their heads, wondering what all of this talk about planets aspecting one another is all about. For many who are wanting to start developing an understanding of and relationship to the stars, listening to talks on transits and reflecting on the transits' manifestations in your own life is a really great place to begin. Going over the archetypal expressions of the Venus-Uranus trine allows us to move through this week with understanding of that archetypal interplay as a lens through which to see our experiences. When planets meet in aspect, it's like their archetypal expressions and influence are getting dialed up or magnified for us so we can better see and understand their archetypal expressions at these times.
Rose Potts:In Hellenistic astrology, which was developed over 2,000 years ago in ancient Greece and which forms the foundation of my practice, the planets were seen to represent the intentions or wills of the god. Jupiter represents the intention or will of Zeus and the archetypes of Zeus, Venus, of Aphrodite, Mars of Ares and so on. When we talk about aspects between two planets, we're essentially talking about how their archetypal energies are relating to one another. One of my favorite ways of seeing this is imagining the planets in a celestial dance with one another. We can imagine the gods of the Greek pantheon in this exquisite ballroom, in the clouds, in all of their finery, and there are many different relationships between the gods constantly forming and unforming as they dance. The gods constantly forming and unforming as they dance. For example, maybe Venus, Aphrodite is in a conjunction with Jupiter Zeus. We can see the two planets doing a waltz with one another and merging their archetypal qualities. Then, let's say, Venus is squaring Mars. The two planets are butting heads, they're fighting, they're not seeing eye to eye, but later, maybe, Venus and Mars come into a sextile. They make up, they're harmoniously dancing together.
Rose Potts:Once again, Just like we humans are constantly in flux with our ways of relating to one another, so too are the planets. Think about your current romantic relationship or a time that you've been in one. Sometimes you and your partner flow together harmoniously, enjoying each other's company. In aspect language, this would be a sex tile. Other times you're inseparable, such that it's hard to know where you end and the other begins. This would be a conjunction. Other times you're fighting or holding each other accountable or helping spur one another into action Square. Other times you're lending big support to one another, offering a helping hand, brine, and at still other times you're having a big fight where it seems very unlikely that the two of you will be able to resolve it opposition.
Rose Potts:So, like the ancient Greeks when they first perceived of this system, we can personify each of the planets as one of the deities in the Greek pantheon and see their aspects with one another as ways that they are relating in this moment. The reason we personify each as a deity is simply because it helps us to remember the archetypal qualities that the planet represents. It's kind of like having a cheat sheet or a quick reference guide to understanding the energies of a planet. So, if you prefer, you don't have to bring the deities into it whatsoever and you can just think of a planet as representing a group of similar and related archetypal qualities. If you're still scratching your head saying Rose, I don't know what you mean by that. We're going to be taking a deeper look at the archetypal qualities of Venus and Uranus today, so you'll get a bit more of an understanding. So this has been a bit of an impromptu topic episode, but don't worry, we're still going to be doing a deeper dive into another topic on Wednesday, but hopefully this gives you some understanding as to why it's worth paying attention to transits at all.
Rose Potts:Now let's get back to the big transit for the week, which is the Venus-Uranus trine. Venus is the embodiment of Aphrodite and her archetypal qualities include things that are harmonious relationships, enjoyment, sensuality, etc. While Uranus is the planet of revolutions, innovations and sudden, unexpected changes, Uranus is really good at getting us out of patterns or ruts that we've been stuck in. These two planets are forming a trine, which is a harmonious and supportive aspect, but which is also of the nature of Jupiter. Jupiter is the embodiment of Zeus, who is associated with grandeur and abundance. So, unlike sextiles, which are also harmonious but of a lesser influence, trines tend to be bigger, easier to see and feel in our lives and more impactful. In a trine, one planet is usually giving the other planet a big helping hand. The energy is usually going mostly in one direction and in this case, it's Venus getting a big boost from Uranus, helping shake things up for her and get her out of some stuck patterns in a positive way.
Rose Potts:Venus is currently in Virgo, a sign where she can feel a bit out of place. Virgo, ruled by Mercury, is all about analysis, perfectionism and attention to detail. These qualities can be at odds with Venus's natural tendencies towards harmony, sensuality and cohesion. Imagine a woman at a dance, representing Venus, who just wants to enjoy herself, while her partner, representing Virgo's analytical energy, wants to sit outside and discuss politics. This is kind of how Venus feels in the sign of Virgo. However, Venus in Virgo can have an excellent knack for attention to aesthetic detail and thus really excel in areas that combine beauty and refinement. But there's a rigidity to Virgo that's uncomfortable for Venus. There's a need for perfection and over-fixation on small details, a sense of impending judgment and a desire to be overly analytical and in one's head rather than sensually or even somatically embodied. But this is where Uranus and Taurus comes in.
Rose Potts:Uranus and Taurus can help Venus shake off those rigid Virgo tendencies and remind her of her true nature. This is because Taurus is the feminine home of Venus, where she feels the most empowered and in her natural element. The image that comes to mind for me when I think of Taurus is a cow luxuriating in a field of flowers on a bright, sunny day. Taurus season comes in the middle of spring, a time of blooming flowers, singing birds, warmer weather and lengthening days. It's a time of abundance and ease after the harshness of winter. In this sense we can think of the Uranus-Venus trine as Uranus coming in and shaking things up for Venus, helping uptight Venus in Virgo remember her true luxuriating nature that she naturally expresses in the sign of Taurus.
Rose Potts:What's so interesting about the combination of Uranus and Taurus is that Taurus, as the only fixed earth sign in the zodiac, is known as the most stable and grounded sign, whereas Uranus is the most erratic and unpredictable planet. So the revolution that Uranus is bringing to Venus is reminding her of this stable, fixed nature of earthy Taurus. But it's inherently through shaking her up and shaking her out of her stuck patterns. It's kind of a juxtaposition of opposite qualities. It's like let me shake you up to remind you to ground into your body. This reminds Venus that she doesn't have to stress about finessing all of the little details, she doesn't have to be perfect or overly serious, that she can step out of the anxious analytical mental patterns of Virgo and remember how it feels to be calm and grounded and assured in the somatic experience of being in her own body. And this remembrance for Venus is pertinent to us right now, collectively.
Rose Potts:Let's think of what this would look like in a movie. Our main character is a tightly wound librarian. She takes her job very seriously. She wears her hair up in a tight bun and wears cardigans every day. Then an old friend comes into town. It's that erratic, fun-loving friend that she used to go drinking with all the time in university but hasn't talked to in years. This friend convinces the librarian to go out for a night on the town After some reservations. She obliges, she lets her hair down, puts on a dress and the two go on a fun, adventure-filled night of enjoyment, helping the librarian rediscover a more carefree version of herself.
Rose Potts:This is basically the story unfolding between Venus and Uranus. This week this will express differently based on what houses Virgo and Taurus land in in your birth chart. In my chart, Virgo occupies the 10th house, which is the house of career, daily work and public visibility. If I'm being honest, I've definitely felt that Venus in Virgo energy in my work on this podcast this month the desire for perfection, the need for everything to be just right before putting it out into the world so I can present a certain perfect image. It's all very Venus in Virgo. So I'm looking forward to this Uranus trine helping me let go of some of that fixation on detail and focus more on the flow and fun of the process.
Rose Potts:So this has been a little bit on how I see Uranus and Taurus shaking things up for Venus in Virgo in the best way possible. It's been a pleasure meditating on these archetypal combinations with you. I'd love to hear how this transit resonates with you or how you're seeing it manifest in your life.
Rose Potts:Feel free to email me your thoughts at rosesastroacademy at gmailcom, and don't forget to stay tuned for Wednesday's episode. In true Uranus Trine, Venus and Virgo fashion. I'm learning not to be too over-prepared, so I haven't picked a topic yet, but I have a feeling that it could involve a deeper exploration of the Venus archetype. If you'd like to book a reading with me, you can do that at rosesastroacademycom, and I've changed my Instagram handle to rosesastroacademy, but not to worry, there will still be lots of hooping content. If you enjoyed this episode and haven't done so already, consider leaving a review of the podcast. Each and every review, especially at these early stages, helps boost the podcast in the algorithms, which helps others find it and helps our community grow. Also, of course, consider sharing it with any or all of your astrology-loving friends. Well, that's all I have for you.